
We will hold a seminar on dengue fever at NIHE.

Dengue Seminar Overview

  1. Date and Time: Friday, October 25, 2024, 13:00–16:00 (Vietnam time), 15:00-18:00 (Japan time)
  2. Format: Hybrid
  • Venue: National Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology (NIHE) Conference Room
  • Online: Zoom webinar
  1. Theme and Content: ‘Dengue Virus Infection and Prediction of Severe Illness’
    Dengue fever is a significant infectious disease in global health, prevalent across Asia, Central and South America, and other regions. In most cases, it is presented as an asymptomatic or mild febrile illness. However, severe cases can involve shock, severe bleeding, or critical organ damage.
    This seminar will feature expert presentations on the current state of dengue fever in Southeast Asia and efforts to predict disease severity. Participants will explore measures to reduce the risk of severe illness and fatalities from dengue fever.
  2. Speakers:
    ① Basu Dev Pandey (Institute of Tropical Medicine, DEJIMA Infectious Disease Research Alliance, Nagasaki University)
    ② Yuki Takamatsu (Department of Virology, Institute of Tropical Medicine, Nagasaki University)
    ③ Pham Dinh Duy (Head of Infectious and Dermatological Diseases Department, Military Hospital 7A, HCMC, Vietnam)
    ④ Kazuo Miyazaki (MiCAN Technologies Inc.)
    ⑤ General Discussion
  • Presentation Time: 30 minutes per speaker (25 minutes presentation, 5 minutes Q&A)


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